Role Playing Games
I guess now I'm supposed to ramble on philosophically about the nature of gaming and its influence on my life. That's not me, though, so I won't waste your time or mine. Gaming has been both a boon to my life and the bane of my existence. It has caused me no end of trouble, but has given me courage in the face of adversity.
How do I really feel about the concept? I'm not entirely sure, let's just say that it is not something I regret, just something I've accepted.
Time to move on though. I will still game, that will never change. I use it as an outlet for both my imagination and a release of pressures from daily life. During my life, I've played in all seven types of game (as described by the Intrepid (Levi) Kornelsen in The Seven Models Of Roleplay,) and would rate them, in personal preference as:
With around 20 years of gaming experience, I've become relegated to the role of game master and find these styles to be most stimulating to both myself and my players. My gaming style ranges from linear, plot-driven experience to open-world freeform gaming and anywhere in between. As with everything, games are catered to the players above all else. has an extraordinary resource of essays and articles on roleplaying theory and practice.
Lately, I've been looking for a way to get my players together. Most are spread throughout the world, and I needed a good solution. Well, I've found it and it's called GRIP. For more information, the FREE player module and the 60-day evaluation of the GM version, check out:
Now I know some of you reading this are curious as to what I actually play, and not to disappoint you, I've included a list and links for my favorite games:
7th Sea Alderac Entertainment Group |
7th Sea: Paramour of Adventure (On site) |
Alternity Wizards of the Coast, Inc. |
& Dragons Wizards of the Coast, Inc. |
Legend of Kambria (On Site) |
GRIP QuikLink Interactive |
GM's Guide to Campaigning (On Site) |
Heavy Gear Dream Pod 9 |
Pod Corps - Columbus (On Site) |
Super Heroes TSR, Inc. |
MSH - Between the Shadows (Off Site) |
Providence XID Creative, Inc. |
Systems White Wolf, Inc. |