7th Sea: Paramour of Adventure

[17 April 2001]  Well, the first GRiP session of 7th Sea: Cross, Quillon and Art did not go quite as planned.  My ISP apparently didn't appreciate any bandwidth last night and I was booted from the session twice.  Next week will go better, that I promise.  Here's what we did:

Our next game should go much better.  With this in mind, I will have each character on the New and Improved character sheet (which actually includes dice rolling code!)  We will run an introduction to the game and move out from there.

I will be posting A LOT of material here in the coming days to flush out the 7th Sea game and our adventures.

Site Description
Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) 7th Sea Publishers
7th Sea Official AEG 7th Sea Site
Revenant's 7th Sea Site Premiere site for the 7th Sea RPG.  More detail than you can shake a stick at!
Temple of the Rose & Cross Official Site of the Knights of the Rose & Cross
The Official Théan Explorer's Society The site pretty much says what it is...