Medurr Imperium
Astronomical Data


Solar Overview

Spectral Type Absolute Magnitude
Category: Visible:
Luminosity Bolometric:
Sol Relative: Sol Relative:
Radius Mean Distance for Equal Luminosity
km: km:
Sol Relative: AU:
Solar Mass Solar Temperature (T)
kg: K:
Sol Relative: Sol Relative:
Solar Density Solar Lifetime
g/km3: Years:
Sol Relative: Sol Relative:


Planetary Overview

Mean Distance from Sun Solar Intensity
km: e Relative:
Planetary Radius Solar Angular Diameter
km: Degrees:
e Relative: e Relative:
Planetary Mass Year Length (Revolution Period)
1023 kg: e Years:
e Relative: e Days:
Surface Gravity Orbital Eccentricity
m/s2: Ratio:
e Relative: e Relative:
Escape Velocity Axial Tilt
km/s: Degrees:
e Relative: e Relative:
Rotation Rate (Sidereal Day) Solar Day
e Hours: e Hours:
e Days: e Days:
Mean Temperature Horizon Distance
C: km:
e Relative: e Relative:
Greenhouse Correction Factor Planetary Albedo
Ratio: A Factor:
e Relative: e Relative:
Known Satellites Atmospheric Thinning
Natural: m:
Artificial: e Relative:


Planetary Details

Volcanism Plate Tectonics
Atmosphere Oceans
Climate and Weather Magnetosphere
Colors Day and Night