Kambrian Confederation
Astronomical Data


Solar Overview

Spectral Type Absolute Magnitude
Category: K1 Visible: 6.12350
Luminosity Bolometric: 6.07800
Sol Relative: 0.35000 Sol Relative: 1.25320
Radius Mean Distance for Equal Luminosity
km: 409997.02200 km: 8.850E07
Sol Relative: 0.95100 AU: 0.59161
Solar Mass Solar Temperature (T)
kg: K: 5075.00000
Sol Relative: 0.78640 Sol Relative: 0.87955
Solar Density Solar Lifetime
g/km3: 2.28750 Years: 2.500E10
Sol Relative: 1.75962 Sol Relative: 2.63158

Kore III

Planetary Overview

Mean Distance from Sun Solar Intensity
km: 8.724E7 e Relative: 1.02920
AU: 0.58316
Planetary Radius Solar Angular Diameter
km: 8124.7580 Degrees: 0.53858
e Relative: 1.27387 e Relative: 1.03573
Planetary Mass Year Length (Revolution Period)
1023 kg: 7.357E15 e Years: 0.50217
e Relative: 1.23027 e Days: 183.42.413
Surface Gravity Orbital Eccentricity
m/s2: 8.785 Ratio: 0.03600
e Relative: 0.89643 e Relative: 1.80000
Escape Velocity Axial Tilt
km/s: 10.98817 Degrees: 24.27500
e Relative: 0.98274 e Relative: 1.03298
Rotation Rate (Sidereal Day) Solar Day
e Hours: 18.47000 e Hours: 18.47000
e Days: 0.67809 e Days: 0.76958
Mean Temperature Horizon Distance
C: 27.60727 km: 3.73826
e Relative: 1.84294 e Relative: 1.12866
Greenhouse Correction Factor Planetary Albedo
Ratio: 1.12000 A Factor: 0.28750
e Relative: 1.01818 e Relative: 0.95833
Known Satellites Atmospheric Thinning
Natural: 1 m: 6237.00000
Artificial: e Relative: 0.84284

Kore III

Planetary Details

Volcanism Plate Tectonics
Kore III has a small core.  The volcanic activity is minimal, focusing along a select few fault lines (See Plate Tectonics.) Kore III surface consists of seventeen major plate regions.  Two form a spreading center, the dominant focus of volcanic activity on K3.  The remainder form convergent boundaries, split fairly evenly between subduction zones within the sulfuric ocean and isostasic mountains. 
Atmosphere Oceans
Climate and Weather Magnetosphere
Colors Day and Night