------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEAVY GEAR FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT RULES VERSION 2.20 Last Revision: 05/28/98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY OF THE RULES FAQ: Ver. 0.99: Noticing the need of a Rules FAQ, John D. Prins takes up his pen and starts writing. Pending error correction and official repudiation, this version is highly suspect. Ver. 1.00: Marc-Alex Vezina was nice enough to confirm/correct the FAQ. Corrections made. Ver. 1.10: Some expansions and updates. Expanded on the whole 'exposed systems' issue and target designators. Ver. 1.20: Addressed points on Crew Stunned Results and AUX Hits. Ver. 1.21: Marc-Alex clarifies points on arms and target designators. Ver. 1.30: Questions about Infantry ROF, Defense Arcs, what constitutes 'Crew', and Fumbles added. Ver. 1.31: Questions about minimum Attributes for Skills, infantry and attributes, and ECM vs. Target Designators. Some shuffling around of questions to more appropriate categories. Ver. 2.00: Second Edition Heavy Gear Rulebook released. FAQ is updated to take account. Ver. 2.10: Small corrections and a few questions added. Ver. 2.20: Whole mess of questions about Command Points and Leadership. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELCOME TO THE HEAVY GEAR FAQ ABOUT RULES: This document is intended to be both a timesaving device for the Heavy Gear Mailing List as well as a useful resource list for the Heavy Gear player. Like all games, Heavy Gear has rules that need additional explanation or interpretation, and this tries to cover that ground. If you need a rules clarification that cannot be found in this FAQ, please do not hesitate to ask the HGML at large or post your question to rec.games.mecha - you will very likely get a useful response, and your question will likely be added to the next version of the Rules FAQ. This FAQ will be updated on a semi-regular basis. My plan is to re-issue the FAQ whenever: 1.) I feel like it, 2.) People ask me for it, 3.) I write a new version, 4.) the beginning of a month rolls by. This FAQ is meant to cover rules issues only - questions about Terra Nova itself or the technology of the Heavy Gear universe is not covered by this document. If you find an error in this document or find some of the clarifications to be confusing, please contact me at: jprins@interhop.net so that I can correct the problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION ZERO: DISCLAIMER SECTION ONE: MINITUAE SECTION TWO: GENERAL RULES SECTION THREE: ROLEPLAYING RULES SECTION FOUR: TACTICAL RULES SECTION FIVE: VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION SECTION SIX: AIR WAR RULES SECTION SEVEN: LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION ZERO: DISCLAIMER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document is a product of a fan of Heavy Gear, for fans of Heavy Gear. HEAVY GEAR, TERRA NOVA and the SILHOUETTE SYSTEM are all trademarks of Dream Pod 9, Inc. and this document should be in no way construed as a legal challenge to those trademarks. This document may be distrubited freely in any medium so long as no profit is derived from the transaction (you can cover your printing costs if you like). Though I kind of doubt anybody is ever going to sell this thing for a profit... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION ONE: MINITUAE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1: WHAT'S NEW IN THE FAQ? Well, with the second edition of Heavy Gear coming out, a lot of the questions this document dealt with have been clarified sufficiently in the rules themselves. This meant that a lot of the questions in the FAQ were somewhat redundant. It was getting pretty long anyways, so I decided to 'cut out' the now-redundant questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.2: WHAT IF I STILL OWN THE FIRST EDITION? Not a problem. If you need the 'last' first edition FAQ, just e-mail me at the above address and I'll send it to you. FAQs are typically for new players anyway, so they're more likely to own the second edition than the first. Mind you, I'd be remiss as a Heavy Gear fan if I didn't encourage you to go out and buy the second edition. In all cases, a second edition ruling is more correct than a first edition one. Note that the second edition of Heavy Gear is _fully_ compatible with the first edition. While the initiative system has seen some changes and some rules have been tweaked (mostly for clarity), vehicle stats and the basic procedures have not changed. Your second edition Grizzly works just like your first edition Grizzly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3: WHAT ABOUT ERRATA? The second edition is so new that a list of errata has not yet been compiled. As soon as I know about it, I'll be sure to update the FAQ with the appropriate information. Also, the Tactical Air Support book has errata for the first edition Heavy Gear Rulebook. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.4: DID YOU READ THE RULEBOOK? It may seem a stupid question, but many of your garden-variety rules questions can be answered quickly and easily by looking in the handy index and reading the appropriate section. This document should be the second thing you grab for when you have a question - the rulebook being the first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.5: WHAT IF MY QUESTION ISN'T COVERED BY THIS FAQ? Well, there's always the Heavy Gear Mailing List, where we're glad to answer any relevant question. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.6: HOW DO I JOIN THE HEAVY GEAR MAILING LIST? Send an e-mail message to majordomo@coffeehaus.com. Put nothing in the subject line and do not attach a .sig file. In the body of the message, put only: subscribe HeavyGear You will then get a verification message; follow instructions. Please note that you can expect at least 40 messages a day from the Heavy Gear Mailing List, and some days it will top 100 - it's not for the occasional e-mail user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.7: HOW DO I UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THE HEAVY GEAR MAILING LIST? Again, send a message to majordomo@coffeehaus.com. Put nothing in the subject line and do not attach a .sig file. In the body of the message, put only: unsubscribe HeavyGear ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.8: WHAT IF I GET KICKED OFF THE LIST BY ACCIDENT? This has been known to happen - generally if your own server goes down, as coffeehaus doesn't like bouncing messages. Note that you may not have been booted off - coffeehaus could be down or the list as a whole might be malfunctioning. If in doubt, simply re-subscribe with the above procedure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.9: HOW DO I GET AHOLD OF RAFM MINIATURES? You can call them at (519) 759-1995 (that's a Canadian number). Note that RAFM's contract has not been renewed by Dream Pod 9; instead, Dream Pod 9 plans to release their own line of Heavy Gear miniatures. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.10: I'M NEW TO HEAVY GEAR. WHAT BOOKS SHOULD I BUY FIRST? Well, it depends what you're looking for. If you are more interested in the roleplaying aspects of Heavy Gear, then Life On Terra Nova is an absolute must (after the rulebook, of course). After you have that, you should select based on your favorite area of Terra Nova - books like Into The Badlands or the Leaguebooks (NLC, SR, and HA in print currently) will get you a solid setting on the minimum number of books. If you're interested in the storyline, the Character Compendium and Storybooks are a good choice. Terranovan Technology is highly recommended, but out of print at the moment as DP9 plans a second edition. If you're primarily a tactical player, then you want Tactical Field Support. It contains all the rules you really need for 'full' battlefield action (battlefield engineering, morale, artillery, etc.). To get all the gear and strider stats, the Vehicle Compendiums (north and south) are the thing to have. For air power, you'll want to buy Tactical Air Support, but I believe that's out of print and due for revision anyways. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION TWO: GENERAL RULES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1: CAN MY DICE COME UP NEGATIVES? No. The lowest you can _ever_ roll in Heavy Gear is a ZERO. This includes defense rolls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2: CAN I USE DICE OTHER THAN SIX SIDED? It's only a game. You could use eight sided or four sided if you like. But be aware that modifiers in Silhouette are very powerful. A +1 when using an eight sided die will mean a lot less than a +1 when using a six sided die. Silhouette is designed to work with the standard six sider, so I don't recommend using anything else unless you're a serious game hacker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.3: IS THERE A LIMIT TO THE MARGIN OF SUCCESS OR MARGIN OF FAILURE ON A DIE ROLL? The MOS or MOF is inherently limited by the dice and modifiers being used. For example, when rolling 3D6 the best possible result is an 8 (a six plus two extra sixes) unless there are other modifiers. And as noted above a roll cannot go below zero in any case. There will be cases in a game where a weapon simply cannot damage a target because it cannot get enough of a margin of success, ever! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.4: IF I FUMBLE, DO THE MODIFIERS COUNT? No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION THREE: ROLEPLAYING RULES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1: CAN I TRANSFER SKILL POINTS INTO CHARACTER POINTS? No. Of course, it's only a game, so if your Game Master says so, sure, but this is not recommended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2: CAN I HAVE MULTIPLE SPECIALIZATIONS IN A SKILL? Sure you can, though only ONE specialization can apply to a single roll. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3: CAN I USE ONE SKILL TO AUGMENT ANOTHER? No. Skills are supposed to be entirely self-contained. Even skills with pre-requisites like Sniping or Mechanical Design are self-contained with regards to what they do - a Sniper does not first roll his Small Arms and then his Sniper skills, he just rolls his Sniper skill when sniping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4: WHAT IF I DON'T HAVE THAT SKILL? Roll as Unskilled. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5: DOES THAT MEAN I CAN USE SKILLS WITH SPECIAL RULES IF I'M UNSKILLED? No. Skills with special rules attached to them (Sniping, Heavy Gear Architecture) require you to actually have the skills to use the special rules that cover those situations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6: DO MULTIPLE ACTION PENALTIES AFFECT DODGE ROLLS? Yes. While the use of the Dodge skill (or Melee or Hand to Hand for parrying) does not count as an action, they should suffer any penalties from the character using multiple actions. The logic behind this is that it's harder to defend youself if you're doing all sorts of other things. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION FOUR: TACTICAL RULES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1: HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO DISEMBARK INFANTRY? A vehicle can 'disgorge' a number of infantrymen equal to the vehicle's actual size at the cost of one action - as long as those infantrymen are passengers, of course. This can only be done at Combat Speed or less. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2: DO ACTION LOSSES FROM 'CREW STUNNED' RESULTS CARRY OVER? Yes, they do. You have to pay for them the next round if you've already used your actions this round. Note that Evasive Maneuvers require an action to perform, so a vehicle wishing to go evasive must pay for both the crew stunned carry-over (if any) and the Evasive Maneuver - probably requiring multiple action penalites on a fully defensive vehicle! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.3: CAN I START A GAME AT TOP SPEED? Yes, so long as it is declared during the set-up phase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.4: IF I'M USING EVASIVE MANEUVERS, CAN USE USE NON-ATTACK ACTIONS? No. The only thing you can do is dodge attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5: DOES RAMMING COST AN ACTION? Yes, unless it's an accident due to something like a slide, fall or crash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.6: DOES MY PILOT'S CREATIVITY ATTRIBUTE AFFECT ELECTRONICS WARFARE ROLLS? Yes, assuming he has one (that's not +0). In purely tactical games, simply use the character's Gunnery, only one step 'up' the chart on page 127 of the second edition Rulebook. So a Qualified pilot has 1+1 Electronics Warfare. If desired, a pilot can swap his Gunnery and Electronics Warfare values. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.7: DOES STEALTH AFFECT PASSIVE SENSORS? Only if the stealthy vehicle has some Concealment other than stealth or if it is night on the battlefield. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.8: DOES AN ACTIVE SENSOR ROLL GIVE AWAY MY POSITION? No, but it does announce your presence on the battlefield. The same goes for ECM and ECCM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9: DO MY ALLIES GET THE RESULTS OF MY ACTIVE SENSOR ROLL? Only if you spend an action to be a forward observer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.10: CAN I FIRE GUIDED AMMUNTION AT A DESIGNATED TARGET WITHOUT A FORWARD OBSERVER OR LINE OF SIGHT? Yes. Guided weapons can lock on to designated targets as if they had been forward observed. ECM has no direct effect on Target Designators, but the designating unit must be able to communicate with the firer of the guided weapon - either through a (action-free) communications roll to 'break past' any ECM or direct LOS between the designator and firer (gears would be especially good at this, having hands and arms to make signals). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.11: CAN I FIRE INDIRECTLY WITHOUT A FORWARD OBSERVER TO AVOID OBSCUREMENT PENALTIES? No. Obscurement doesn't just represent stuff 'getting in the way' of your weapons, it also means a less-than-solid target lock through all that cover. Weapons arced over cover without a forward observer still suffer the Obscurement penalties of direct fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.12: IF I'M ATTACKED BEFORE MY VEHICLE MOVES, WHAT'S MY DEFENDER SPEED MODIFIER? Calculate it from last round's movement. A unit is considered to still be moving at last round's rate until its activation comes up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.13: CAN I TURN AROUND AND STILL BE STATIONARY? No. Vehicles can make a SINGLE sixty degree turn and remain stationary, because that costs no MP. Any other movement, including Command Points to turn the vehicle around, spoil the Stationary Attacker Bonus (probably moving the vehicle into the Half Combat Attacker Bonus). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.14: CAN I FORWARD OBSERVE AGAINST MULTIPLE UNITS? Yes, but each unit requires an action to mark it for forward observation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.15: IF I CANNOT MOVE DUE TO A MOVEMENT LOSSES OR POWER TRANSFER FAILURE, WHAT ARE MY DODGE ROLLS? They are ZERO. You're a rock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.16: WHEN I SUFFER A MOVEMENT HIT, DOES IT APPLY TO ALL MOVEMENT SYSTEMS? No, only to the one currently in use, unless otherwise specified. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.17: IF I TAKE AN AUXILIARY SYSTEMS HIT BUT HAVE NO AUXILIARY SYSTEMS, DO I RE-ROLL? Nope. You lucked out. Similarly, if you take -1 to four systems but only have two, the last two do not count. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.18: WHAT DOES A -1 TO AN AUXILIARY SYSTEM MEAN ON A NON-RATED SYSTEM? Auxiliary Systems without ratings degrade on the basis of skill use (-1 to any skill roll using that device per hit) or efficiency (lose 20% efficiency per hit). Any system that reaches -5 or 100% loss of efficiency is considered destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.19: IF I'M IN A TANK AND MY TURRET POINTS BACKWARDS, WHY DO I TAKE REAR DEFENSE PENALTIES? Because your pilot is facing forward (probably), and Heavy Gear also assumes that, like in real life, most vehicles have less armor in the rear area to save on weight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.20: CAN INFANTRY DECLARE EXTRA ACTIONS? No - though they can get them through Command Points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.21: BUT MY INFANTRY GET MULTIPLE ATTACKS? Yes and no. Infantry typically come equipped with two types of weapons. These can be fired at different targets, however, but all weapons of the same type must be fired at the same target. It is not recommended that a squad of infantry be equipped with more than two kinds of weapons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.22: IF MY INFANTRY SQUAD GETS HIT BY A SINGLE ENEMY ROUND, HOW COME SO MANY DIE? All sorts of reasons. Secondary effects like concussion and shrapnel (and heat for energy weapons) could kill fragile infantry just as easily as a direct hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.23: CAN AN INFANTRY SQUAD BE SPLIT UP? Yes, but it isn't recommended. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.24: DO INFANTRY GET ATTRIBUTE BONUSES? No, because the skill level of an infantry squad is abstracted to an average for ease of play. In fact, LVL 5 Infantry may only 'really' have LVL 3 in skills, but a lot of troopers might have high attributes. This is how infantry can get up to eight dice to throw around, despite the fact that such a skill level in Heavy Gear is all but impossible. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.25: DOES ECM AND ECCM AFFECT FRIENDLY UNITS? No. Your buddy's ECCM doesn't shut down your ECM, only the enemy's ECM. Similarly, your ECM has no effect on your buddy's communications or sensors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.26: CAN I STACK THE DEFENSE BONUSES FROM COMMAND POINTS? No. The Command Point you spend to give +2 to the Defense roll applies only once; you cannot spend 2 Command Points for +4 defense. These Command Points must be spent before the Attack and Defense rolls are resolved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.27: IF I KEEP ROLLING SIXES ON THE SYSTEM DAMAGE TABLE, DO I KEEP ON RE-ROLLING? Yes. This is commonly referred to as a 'cascade', and could potenitally go on forever... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.28: IF I WANT TO FIRE MY ACTIVE UNIT BUT SOMEONE SPENDS A COMMAND POINT, WHO FIRES FIRST? Whatever your group agrees upon. You could decide it's whoever declares they're shooting (verbally) first. Or it could simply default to the moving unit (that is the 'active' unit, after all). If you really can't agree, just resolve the attacks simultaneously. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.29: CAN I GO HULL-DOWN AT TOP SPEED? Considering that you have to declare that you're moving out of Top Speed at the end of a turn's movement and have to actually wait until the next turn to be able to go Stationary, going hull-down while at Top Speed is not allowed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.30: IF I SATURATE AT POINT BLANK, DO I HIT MYSELF? No. Common sense dictates that you would not 'shoot yourself' when Saturating a hex. The same does not necessarily hold true for Area Effect attacks, those might hit the attacking vehicle at Point Blank (make a Defense roll as normal). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.31: HOW LONG DOES ECM OR ECCM LAST? DOES IT COST ACTIONS TO MAINTAIN? ECM and/or ECCM lasts for as long as you have it up, and takes no actions to keep up once established. If an ECCM threshold is set up that is 'higher' than the current opposition's ECM, that ECM is rendered ineffective - the opponant must try to re-establish a new, higher ECM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.32: IF I'M IN A SENSOR DEPENDANT VEHICLE, WHAT'S MY PASSIVE SENSOR RATING? Same as any other vehicle; the best of your visual perception (4 during the day, 2 at night) or your Electronics Warfare skill level plus your vehicle's Sensor Rating. You see, even Sensor Dependant vehicles still have visual cameras - all Sensor Dependant means is that if you suffer a 'Sensors Destroyed' result (either through an AUX hit or reaching a Sensor Rating of -5), the vehicle can only move and fire randomly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.33: WHAT ARE THE LEADERSHIP AND TACTICS LEVEL OF MY COMMANDER AND SUBCOMMANDER? Equal to their overall skill level; i.e. a Level 3 pilot, chosen as a Commander, has a Leadership and Tactics of 3 (with a +0 modifier). Any unit other than the Commander and Subcommander have Leadership and Tactics of 1 (+0). This does not alter the cost of the unit(s) chosen to be leader(s). -------------------------------------------------------------------------4.3 4: IF A UNIT IS TARGETED WHILE MOVING, BUT WISHES TO FIRE FIRST, WHO ACTS FIRST? Whomever won initiative fires first. However, if a Command Point is/was spent, the Command Point takes priority. It is possible to spend Command Points in this fashion to 'gain' the opportunity to act first, as the last Command Point takes priority. Yes, you could waste a lot of Command Points in this fashion if you're desparate to act first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.35: WHEN CAN A UNIT MOVE OUT OF SEQUENCE? CAN IT USE ACTIONS WHILE MOVING OUT OF SEQUENCE? A unit may move out of sequence at any time; between the movement of other units or actually interrupting the movement of other units (in which case the interrupted unit must wait until the out of sequence unit is finished moving). It is also possible to move out of sequence on a unit moving out of sequence - again, the last Command Point spent takes priority. Units moving out of sequence may spend actions as normal, and if they have actions left, they may use them when their 'normal' activation comes around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.36: CAN YOU GIVE A UNIT MORE THAN ONE COMMAND POINT, OR ARE YOU LIMITED TO A SINGLE USE OF EACH COMMAND POINT FUNCTION (EXTRA ACTION, TURN AROUND, +2 TO A SINGLE DODGE, ACTIVATE OUT OF SEQUENCE)? Yes, you can give any number of Command Points to a vehicle for any purpose; giving a vehicle 3 extra actions is perfectly legal. Note, however, you cannot stack those dodge bonuses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.37: HOW MUCH DAMAGE CAN MY WEAPONS TAKE? Weapons are not functional when they reach -5 in accuracy penalties (independant of the inherent ACC of the weapon). At -6 they cannot even be salvaged. Note that Fire Control Destroyed results are not the same thing as weapon damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION FIVE: VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1: WHY WAS THE VEHICLE CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM REMOVED FROM SECOND EDITION HEAVY GEAR? To free up space for more roleplaying material. The VCS is on Dream Pod 9's web page (www.dp9.com) and will eventually show up in a second edition Technical Manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2: CAN I TAKE GROUND SPEED AS MY PRIMARY MOVEMENT MODE TO AVOID THE RESTRICTION PUT ON WALKERS OF A 15 MP GROUND MODE MAXIMUM? No. If you're a walker, your Walker Movement System is inherently the primary system. Of course, the limitation is only in the interests of play balance... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3: WHAT'S MY ARMOR MADE OF? Whatever you like. Some options include rolled armor grade steel, durasheet, ceramics, armorplasts, and composites. It doesn't really matter other than for roleplaying considerations - durasheet will be heavier but cheaper than composites and armorplast, for example. This has no effect on game stats, but could be a good roleplaying hook. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4: HOW DOES THE MAXIMUM AMMUNITION LOAD TABLE WORK? Cross index the weapon's minimum size attribute with the amount of 'extra' size you are willing to give it (for example, a Minimum Size 4 weapon on an Actual Size 6 vehicle could have +2 Size worth of ammo) to find out how much ammunition you can place in the weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5: DO I CALCULATE THE OTV OF BOTH MY PUNCHING ARMS? Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.6: CAN I PURCHASE AN ARM AS TURRETED OR FIXED FORWARD? Yes, as long as you pay the corresponding OTV change. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7: WHAT IF MY PERK/FLAW TOTAL IS NEGATIVE? Treat it as zero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.8: DO ADDITIONAL ARMS COUNT AS ADDITIONAL PERKS FOR LEMONS? Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.9: CAN I SNIPER A TARGET DESIGNATOR? No. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.10: WHAT CONSTITUTES CREW FOR MY VEHICLE'S COST? Only living, breathing, kill-able crew. This leaves out Automation, Artificial Intelligences and Advanced Controls, and any actions gained from them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.11: IS THERE A LIMIT TO THE AMOUNT OF AMMUNITION IN A CLIP? Since a clip inserted in a weapon is considered to be 'in' the weapon (and thus not eligible to be destroyed by AUX hits), it is subject to the normal size restrictions put on 'internal' ammunition bays. If a weapon combines clips and ammo bays, the combination must still be under the maximum ammo load. Weapons can only hold one clip at at time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.12: DOES THE AMMO STORAGE PERK COST ON A PER SHOT BASIS OR PER OTV BASIS? Per OTV (i.e. 1 Perk Point per 10 OTV of ammo stored). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION SIX: AIR WAR SCALE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.1: IF I'M ATTACKING GROUND TARGETS, WHAT RANGE SCALE DO I USE? Air vehicles attacking ground targets must use 50m hex ranges unless they are using Bombs. Ground vehicles attacking air targets use 250m hex ranges unless the air target is flying Nap Of Earth, in which case use 50m hex ranges. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2: WHAT CONSTITUES A STOL OR VSTOL VEHICLE? Nothing under the rules, strictly speaking. But if an air vehicle has a very small stall speed and a large ground (takeoff movement system) speed, it probably can be called either STOL or VSTOL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION SEVEN: LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- John D. Prins, Author and Current Maintainer Marc-Alex Vezina, Dream Pod 9 Guy Alex Rhodes Bertman Mark "Hauptmann" Shurtleff -------------------------------------------------------------------------