My Hobbies

Main Entry: hobby
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural hobbies
Etymology: short for hobbyhorse
Date: 1816
: a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation
- hob·by·ist /-bE-ist/ noun
Main Entry: re·lax·a·tion
Pronunciation: "rE-"lak-'sA-sh&n, ri-"lak-, esp British "re-l&k-
Function: noun
Date: 1548
1 : the act of relaxing or state of being relaxed
2 : a relaxing or recreative state, activity, or pastime : DIVERSION

from Merriam-Webster Online

Hobbies exist for me as an alternative to work.  They are thus "pursuit[s] outside one's regular occupation" in most cases.  My hobbies generally do not provide me with maximum relaxation.  They all require work in their own ways.  It is this work of personal joy that keeps me sane (in most cases...)

My particular pursuits bridge several aspects of life, but concentrate in three specific areas:

It might be wise to note that all three of these actually require considerable work to keep functional.  But, since it's what I like, it's what I do.